Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hello . . . again?

I used to be moderately active on the MTBoS, but then I transferred to a new school.  And then I got married.  And then I transferred to my current (and forever!) school.  And then I had a baby.  So, life got in the way.  At some points during all of that I would write a post saying "I am back!  I am blogging! I am completely committed!" and inevitably that one post would be my one and only post.  I am self aware enough to know that this post might be the one and only too.  I hope not.

I've been lurking on twitter, biding my time before jumping back in.  I've been creepily favoriting tweets.  I've been updating my Feedly list (oh dear Google Reader, how I miss you so).

I jumped on the SBG bandwagon so long ago, and I jumped on the Interactive Notebook bandwagon as well.  I've spent some time working, tweaking, and trying to perfect those practices, and then began to wonder... what's next?

What finally did it for me is beginning Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel's Make It Stick.  I'm only on page 75 or so of the book and I keep stopping and saying YES!  and taking pictures of the page and furiously annotating and writing evernotes (is "writing evernotes" a thing?  I don't know the lingo anymore.  Am I like my mom saying that she wrote a twitter?)

I had already been reflecting heavily and reworking my assessments so that they are spiraling back to "old" learning targets and requiring more synthesis.  I had been thinking about mixing up multiple choice practice and how to give better feedback.  I will (I promise!) write some posts on how I plan on doing that, and how it is different than what I was doing before.    

I want to engage in conversation again; I want to be more reflective on a broader scale, not just on the micro scale of the day to day lesson reflection.  I want to promote a greater change in my classroom, in my department, and in my school and I want to make it stick.

I feel excited.  I feel determined.  I don't think this is just the second cup of coffee talking.